September 14, 2022


Avoid Immediate Jeopardy with the B4000 Hospital Bed Measurement Device

  • Patient Safety & Compliance
  • Long Term Care
B4000 bed measurement device in use.

As the population living in long-term care facilities grows, so does the ever-present danger of bed entrapment, which also presents compliance issues. Many facilities use hospital beds that have been altered and no longer use the original mattresses and side rails. The Hospital Bed Safety Workgroup recognized a need to quantify the “safeness” of beds and Bionix helps address that need.

The Bionix B4000 Measurement Device allows a person to test the FDA-recognized four entrapment zones in just 15 minutes. It also provides documented pass/fail results that comply with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) guidance. Every long-term care facility should have a B4000 device to ensure that residents and patients stay safe and reduce the chances of immediate jeopardy. The Bionix B4000 offers quick validation of compliance, identifies pass/fail conditions, and provides documentable results. 

Contact Bionix to learn more.