ShotBlocker® Injection Relief

Effective distraction from needle poke apprehension and anxiety.


A simple, non-invasive device that distracts patients from needle poke pain signals.

Design based on the Gate Control Theory of Pain, ShotBlocker creates a more positive experience for caregiver and patient by reducing shot anxiety.

A drug-free, cost-effective solution that instantly reduces needle pain by using blunt contact points to distract from pain signals.

Easy to use and versatile, it's ideal for both home and clinical use. ShotBlocker® is child-friendly, offering a faster and more affordable alternative to anesthetic creams or sprays.

It is proudly made in the U.S.A.

  • Shotblocker
  • Shotblocker in use with patient
  • Patient receiving injection with ShotBlocker for pain reduction
  • Shotblocker
  • European Symbol


ShotBlocker is designed to distract and comfort patients receiving intra-muscular or subcutaneous injections and needle pokes.


There are no absolute contraindications for use of the ShotBlocker.

Who Should Use This Product

Professional Use Only


  • How do I order this product?

    You can order by contacting Bionix directly ( or 800.551.7096); contacting your distributor of choice or purchasing on Amazon (5 Count; 50 Count; 100 Count).

  • How does the ShotBlocker work?

    Shotblocker’s ability to block pain is based on the Gate Control Theory of Pain Management. The theory states that there is a gating mechanism in the spinal cord that can be either opened or closed. When opened, pain signals are transferred through small nerve fibers to the brain and a pain sensation is experienced. It has been found that the gate can be closed by simultaneous stimulation of large diameter nerve fibers, those that respond to touch.

  • Are there studies that prove ShotBlocker blocks the pain of injections?

    Bionix Medical Technologies partnered with Flower Hospital in Toledo, Ohio to complete a study on the effectiveness of the ShotBlocker device. The results of the study show that the ShotBlocker significantly reduced pain from minor injections. View the ShotBlocker studies.

  • Why is ShotBlocker single-patient use?

    ShotBlocker is designed to be a single-patient use device to prevent cross contamination during injection procedures. The single-patient use feature of the ShotBlocker also eliminates the cost associated with resterilization.

  • What is the added cost to injection procedures when using ShotBlocker?

    At about .50 per device, the cost of ShotBlocker will be minimal compared to other methods that are currently used.

Our Sales Team

Request a Quote
  • Stephanie McCullough

    Sales Executive, Primary and Acute Care

  • Alyson Kamlani

    Strategic Account Manager, Primary and Acute Care

  • Laura Senel

    National Account Manager, Government

  • Tom Craig

    Account Manager, International

  • Shaun Gensler

    Account Manager, International

  • Zak Huttner

    National Account Manager, Distribution

  • Jim Chandler

    Customer Relations Specialist, Primary and Acute Care

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