OtoClear® Ear Irrigation Tip
For Safe, Clean, Cost-Effective Ear Irrigation.
For Safe, Clean, Cost-Effective Ear Irrigation.
The three-stream tip cleans the ear without directly spraying the tympanic membrane. This is less painful and safer for the patient.
OtoClear Ear Irrigation Tips offer a safe, cost-effective solution for ear irrigation, eliminating backsplash.
Unlike traditional methods that spray water directly into the ear canal, OtoClear directs water gently to the ear canal wall through three divergent streams, preventing pain and mess. This design offers a clean, well-tolerated experience at half the cost of other methods.
SKU: 7200
Package: 40 / Box
SKU: 7202
Package: 20 / Box
The OtoClear is indicated for use on patients 6 months or older with impacted cerumen and/or foreign bodies occluding the ear canal where no infection and/or eardrum perforation is known or suspected.
• The person has previously had complications following ear irrigation procedures • There is a history of a middle ear infection in the last six weeks • There is discharge from the ear canal or ear pain or tenderness • The person has or suspects an ear drum perforation • The person has had ANY form of ear surgery • The person has cleft palate, repaired or not • The person has tympanostomy tubes • There is a history of inner ear problems (especially vertigo) • Button or hearing aid batteries are indications for emergent ENT consultation
Professional Use Only
You can order by contacting Bionix directly (bionix@bionix.com or 800.551.7096); contacting your distributor of choice or purchasing on Amazon.
The exit portals of the OtoClear Tip are designed to direct drainage into the ear basin, reducing clean up time. This design also eliminates splash back onto the operator.
The OtoClear Tip can be used on patients of all ages. However, in general, ear irrigation including OtoClear Tip, is contraindicated for patients whose eardrum may be perforated, where tympanostomy tubes are present or suspected, or active infection is present or suspected.
There is a New Billing Code for Ear Irrigation. –CPT code 69209. On December 30,, 2015 a new CPT code was introduced. CPT code 69209, provides a specific billing code for removal of impacted cerumen using irrigation/lavage. Like CPT 69210 (removal of impacted cerumen requiring instrumentation, unilateral), 69209 requires that a physician or qualified healthcare professional make the decision to irrigate/lavage. However, unlike 69210, 69209 allows removal to be carried out by clinical staff. Criteria for both CPT code 69209 and 69210 are the same and documentation to support the medical necessity of service is necessary to bill a separately identifiable service to an E/M. Each are considered unilateral and require modifier 50 to establish a bilateral procedure. Because CPT code 69209 is new, many payers have yet to determine its status.
The OtoClear Tip is designed in such a way that the irrigating fluid will not directly impact the eardrum. At the tip there are three holes, which direct the fluid towards the ear canal walls, virtually eliminating the risk of damage to the eardrum.
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