
R7000 Electrical Receptacle Analyzer

An advanced device that will drastically simplify your electrical receptacle testing.


The R7000 Electrical Receptacle Analyzer enables compliance and promotes safety while dramatically reducing time spent testing and generating required reports.

The R7000 Electrical Receptacle Analyzer helps healthcare facilities meet CMS and National Fire and Protection Agency (NFPA) 99 compliance, saving time and money. It performs up to 12 tests per receptacle, automatically generating NFPA-compliant reports.

Featuring a large touchscreen display and preloading capabilities, it simplifies data entry and documentation.

The detachable reference cord allows flexible testing, while the Report Commander™ software creates formatted reports. With storage for up to 10,000 test results, the R7000 reduces testing time, cuts costs and ensures safety compliance.


  • R7000
  • R7000 testing outlets



Who Should Use This Product

Professional Use Only


1 Year


  • How do I order this product?

    You can order by contacting Bionix directly ( or 800.551.7096) or contacting your distributor of choice.

  • What tests does the R7000 perform?

    It performs and automatically generates reports on the following:

    • Standard “OKX” Test to Check Receptacle Wiring Polarity

    • Isolated Power Wiring

    • Line Voltage

    • Phase Relationship between Receptacles

    • Neutral to Ground Voltage

    • Neutral to Ground Resistance

    • Ground to Ground Voltage

    • Ground to Ground Resistance

    • Contact Tension (Gripping Force) of Hot, Neutral and Ground Prongs

  • Why does the date and time revert to 01/01/1970, 12:00 AM?

    The coin cell battery inside of your unit needs to be changed. It is replaced during every calibration. If this occurs, the analyzer may be due for calibration. The analyzer should be sent it for the battery to be changed. Bionix does not recommend trying to change it in the field. There are ribbon cables that attach from the LCD screen to the circuit board. If they rip off, that will cause more damage.

  • My R7000 will not charge.

    Connect the charging cable and let the analyzer sit for one hour. If it does charge, the analyzer will need to be sent to our technical services office for further evaluation.

  • GRD to GRD tests are failing.

    There could be an issue with the reference cord. If comfortable evaluating, open the plug head of the reference cord. There will be 3 screws holding the pins into place. Loosen and tighten the screws but do not over tighten. If that doesn’t work, plug the cord into an outlet and use a multimeter to read the voltage to see if the reference cord is reading 115-120 volts. If it is not, there is a short somewhere in the reference cord and a new reference cord should be purchased.

  • The tension test is failing.

    There is most likely an issue with the microswitches in the test probe. You may pull each pin and listen for a clicking noise. If you do not hear the clicking noise, the microswitch is probably bad. The test probe will need to be sent back to our technical services team for evaluation.

  • What is the routine maintenance?

    The analyzer should be shipped back to the technical services office for annual calibration to ensure proper performance. The calibration service options and instructions can be found on the website: or call 800-678-7074.

  • My R7000 will not charge. What do I do?

    DO NOT USE. Call 800.551.7096 to send the unit to Bionix and we will determine if the battery is able to be recharged or if it needs to be replaced.

  • What is the routine maintenace?

    The analyzer should be shipped back to Bionix for annual calibrations ensure proper performance. The calibration service options and instructions can be found on the website or call 800.551-7096

  • My R7000 will not boot up.

    First, confirm the analyzer was fully charged. If not, connect the charger to see if it will turn on. If the analyzer was charged, try the reset button. On the bottom on the machine there is a hole for analyzer reset. Use a paperclip and hold the button in for 10 seconds and then try to turn it on again. If it does not boot up, the analyzer will need to be sent to our technical services office for further testing.

Our Sales Team

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  • Zak Huttner

    National Account Manager, Distribution

  • Josephine Murphy

    Program Manager, Safety & Compliance

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